When to use Rule context?

A Rule Context is a 'tag' that you send Algolia to tell us more about the Search, Browse or Recommend requests your customers make. You can then build rules to tailor the products shown accordingly. This makes most sense with examples.

Example 1:
Your website sends a context “new” or “returning” to Algolia to distinguish between existing customers and new visitors. You then create rules to promote products you know are popular with new customers.

Example 2:
Your website sends a context to distinguish between desktop and mobile users, allowing you to merchandise collection pages differently.

Example 3:
Customers finding your store from a marketing campaign for a particular brand have a context added so that the brand is featured more heavily in their searches and as they browse

NOTE: Before you can create rules using contexts your engineering team will need to configure your store to send them, you can send them this link for more information.

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